You know, I really like videogames. I also really like structured data about stuff. e.g. IMDB or TheMovieDB. When it comes to data for videogames the best place for structured data is hidden in the editorial content of Giantbomb. They also offer a great API that gives access for this data. Sadly the ruby-support in gems was a bit limited.

There are two gems available one, two both are great for doing basic access to the API, but are a bit not-ruby-ish and sometimes don’t have support for every endpoint.

I tried so work on that situation, by creating my own Giantbomb API-gem.

With the following in mind:

  • Support most of the API-endpoints
  • Be ruby-ish
  • Querying by simple calls to the respective models
  • Easy to understand/mainable code
  • Full tested

Now you be the judges if it worked or do gem install giant_bomb_api or just add gem 'giant_bomb_api' to your Gemfile.